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Mark B. Kinney: The no child left behind law in the USA: after 4 years, what have we learned? A review of the literature in regard to the USA No Child Left Behind law (NCLB) was conducted in order to assess to what degree the law was successfully accomplishing its goals. Five underlying assumptions for success were delimited. Each of these assumptions was tested by reference to the literature which was reviewed. The five assumptions were: (1) That schooling goals are adequately known and agreed to for all students. (2) That standardized testing can adequately assess student achievement and school effectiveness. (3) That mass testing is an effective and efficient mechanism for implementing educational policy. (4) That market forces can accomplish public education change. (5) That imposing measures of efficiency from the outside will cause improved educational outcomes. It was concluded that while the NCLB provides for extensive testing of the outcomes of US public schools, the way in which the law has been implemented provides little hope that the glowing hopes for success will be achieved. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 106. Number 1. 29-42. (2006) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: MKinney@UTNet.UToledo.Edu |