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Sándor Zátonyi: College in Csepreg at the Age of the Reformation In 16-17th centuries Csepreg was a significant economical and cultural center of West-Hungary. The first record of its Protestant school comes from 1557. The school was founded by the country squire Tamás Nádasdy (first Lord Chief Justice, then Palatine of Hungary). As a college, the school educated at three levels: primary, secondary and high levels. At the high-schools the students were prepared for ministry. The school leavers first started at schools, then they served as priests. From 1621 to 1643 there was a working press connected with the college. There was published here a book used as a schoolbook by the students. It was translated form Latin into Hungarian by a preacher from Csepreg, István Lethenyei. The teachers of the college joined the religious disputes with great interest. They had disputes - among others - with the prominent personality of Hungarian Contra-Reformation, Peter Pázmány too, who expressed his answer in a book written to the college teachers. The college was closed in 1643. The country squire of the town, Ferenc Nádasdy was converted to a Catholic, so he withdrew his support from the Protestant school. At the same time even the feudal tenants had to either be converted to the Catholic Church or leave the town. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 91. Number 3-4. 215-230. (1991) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Zátonyi Sándor, H-9400 Sopron, Csatkai u. 13. |