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Gábor Tóth : Training art teachers in teacher training school (1907–1949) Organizing art teachers' training in Hungary is associated with the name of Keleti Gusztáv, who started the institutional work of the Royal Hungarian School of Decorative Arts in 1871. In 1907, the Minister of Religion and Public Education decreed the special training of art teachers in the framework of Apponyi Kollégium. The one-year training was based on the Art Teachers' Training Institute (College of Fine Arts). The training was held in Apponyi Kollégium, in the College of Fine Arts and in the Practice Teacher Training School. The joint work of this threefold unit involved teacher training in teacher training schools. In 1914, the training of women handicraft teachers was linked to the training of women art teachers. Until 1930, Apponyi Kollégium in Budapest coordinated the training of students of arts and sciences, drawing, music and physical education as minor subjects. From 1930, the training of art teachers functioned together with music teachers in the Budapest Branch of Szeged Apponyi Kollégium. This program of training art teachers was terminated in 1949. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 94. Number 3-4. 25-291. (1994) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Tóth Gábor, H–1221 Budapest, Városház tér 6. |