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Erzsébet Ceglédi: The study of learning orientation and its changes among secondary school students Nowadays it has become increasingly important to comply with school requirements, an endeavour which greatly depends on learning strategies used during the preparation period. The aim of the broad-spectrum, longitudinal examination reported here was to study the relations between learning strategies used, achievement in school subjects and factors affecting school results. Based on the results of questionnaires and tests, it can be stated that students working toward a good school report and pupils using systematic and thorough learning strategies were steadily represented in the group under examination. A strategy of thoroughness and organisation made it possible to achieve good results on intelligence tests and indexes of creativity. Those students who had used a strategy of reproduction achieved modest results. Some of the more creative students entered the group of easy-going students later, and thus the level of their emotional excitement produced by constantly questioning decreased. The increase in syllabus difficulty resulted in a decrease of pupils’ achievement in school subjects in each group. However, a strategy of thoroughness and organisation made it possible for students to achieve good results even in the most difficult areas of particular subjects. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 115. Number 4. 343-362. (2015) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Ceglédi Erzsébet, Debreceni Egyetem, Humán Tudományok Doktori Iskola, H– 4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1. |