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Ibolya Revákné Markóczi: Affecting factors and their effect on problem solving Improvement of problem solving thinking has become a central issue in science education. The decreasing tendency in our students' performance on problem solving tests is well-known, which resulted in 50.7% overall on the present sample. National and international research has proved that this form of problem solving is influenced by several internal and external affecting factors, among which the present study focuses on school motivation, learning orientation and family dynamics. In general, nowadays learning motivation is considered to reach lower levels as far as ageing is concerned, which results in significant problems in the process of mastery motivation both for learners and educators. According to the recent findings, interest, deep learning strategies and limit conscious democratic family background are the most advantageous factors in developing this skill. Consequently, even more attention should be paid in the future to developing appropriate learning strategies. In addition to these, a counselling service should be established for psychologists, teachers and parents to draw their attention to proper dynamics of family mechanics. The low level of school motivation, within which interest as a dimension, encourages researchers for further work, research and correction. This way the details of interest can be revealed with the method of an interest mapping, which could be useful in developing both talented and average pupils. One solution for the most recent methodologies would be developing problem solving on metacognitive grounds in science education in general and in biology teaching gin particular. We would like to give an account on the results and analysis of such an experiment in operation at present in the future. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 101. Number 3. 267-284. (2001) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Revákné Markóczi Ibolya, Debreceni Egyetem, Természettudományi Kar, Biológia Szakmódszertani Részleg, H-4010 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1. Pf: 3. |