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Ákos Komlóssy, Sándor Molnár and Vilmos Vass: The conditions of introducing pedagogical programs in the elementary schools of Csongrád county The development and introduction of local pedagogical programs has been completed, but the monitoring of the changes in the school system and the controlling of quality and efficiency, and the evaluation of the processes taking place have not taken place yet. The present research aimed at finding instruments and methods to follow the ongoing processes. As the conclusion of the first phase of the research project, the school-based components of school effectiveness are analysed. It was found that the lifestyle most elementary school teachers lead can be characterised as an intellectual style only to a small degree. This may contribute to the decreasing prestige of teaching as a career. Furthermore, the resulting decrease of teachers' authority endangers the effectiveness and efficiency of the school as well. The results made it obvious that the climate of the school is definitive regarding teachers' effectiveness and efficiency. Teachers in larger towns considered the role of the climate of the school more important than those teaching in smaller villages. The latter stressed instruction as well as the students' abilities and traits. The results also revealed that teachers are better prepared to work with talented students than to compensate disadvantages. The knowledge of the processes make deeper analyses possible regarding the desired objectives set in the programs. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 101. Number 2. 191-211. (2001) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Komlóssy Ákos, Molnár Sándor és Vass Vilmos, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Neveléstudományi Tanszék, H-6722 Szeged, Petőfi S. sgt. 30-34. |