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Tibor Péter Nagy: Apprentice Training policy during the emergence of the command economy One point of agreement in turn-of the-century debates on education policy for apprentice schools was that these schools served to replace earlier adult training centres; the other was that the apprentice-employer relationship was still determined in large part by the marketplace. Between the 1930's and 1950's, vocational training policy took on its current form: power relations were determined by negotiations and agreements between the heads of industries and educational administrators at the macro-level, by the teachers' union and various industrial organisations at the mid-level, and by individual teachers and employers at the local level: Earlier, this dual training system was dually regulated: by state supervision in the workplace and stringently enforced rules in training. Later, the dual system became monolithic: it was approached by the state with administrative guidelines. Interestingly, the power relations which developed in Hungarian education were similar to those of industrial countries and to those of Hungary decades later despite the fact that the country was primarily agricultural and that the majority of vocational educators had some other, primary form of employment. It is hoped that this analysis will contribute to understanding pre-1945 Hungarian education policy using the language of education history and education policy tailored to present-day education systems. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 100. Number 1. 79-96. (2000) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Nagy Péter Tibor, Hungarian Institute for Educational Research, H-1395 Budapest Pf.: 427. E-mail:h6704nag@ella.hu |