- Felvételizőknek
- Kutatási projektek
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- Kapcsolódó intézmények
- English
Strategies for Assessment of Inquiry Learning in Science
Pályázat benyújtója | Dublin City University |
A pályázat felelőse az SZTE BTK-n | Csapó Benő |
Pályázat neve | Strategies for Assessment of Inquiry Learning in Science |
Összege a teljes futamidő alatt (pénznem) | összesen: 3.748.689 Euro; ebből SZTE: 290.749 Euro |
Futamideje (tól-ig) | 2012. 01. 01. - 2015. 12. 31. |
Kivonat angolul:
The aim of this proposal is to support teachers in adopting inquiry based science education (IBSE) at second level (students aged 12-18 years) across Europe. This will be achieved by utilising existing resources and models for teacher education in IBSE both pre-service and in-service. In addition to SAILS partners adopting IBSE resources within their curricula and implementing teacher education in their countries, the SAILS proposal aims to develop appropriate strategies and frameworks for the assessment of IBSE skills and competences and prepare teachers not only to be able to teach through IBSE, but also to be confident and competent in the assessment of their students’ learning. Through this unified approach of implementing all the necessary components for transforming classroom practice, i.e. teacher education, curriculum and assessment around an IBSE pedagogy, a sustainable model for IBSE will be achieved. SAILS will provide teacher education workshops in IBSE across the twelve participating countries and promote a self-sustaining model encouraging teachers to share experiences and practice of inquiry approaches to teaching, learning and assessment by building a community of practice. The SAILS consortium of over 45 partners from 13 organisations, including universities, a small-medium enterprise and an international multinational organisation, will work together to promote and disseminate inquiry based approaches to science teaching, learning and assessment with national and international stakeholders.