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- English
PRIMAS Promoting inquiry in mathematics and science education across Europe
Pályázat benyújtója | Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg |
A pályázat felelőse az SZTE BTK-n | Csíkos Csaba |
Pályázat neve | PRIMAS Promoting inquiry in mathematics and science education across Europe |
A pályázat kiírója | EU - FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2009-1 |
Összege a teljes futamidő alatt (pénznem) | 2,996,236.00 euro - magyar részre várható: 70 000 euro |
Futamideje (tól-ig) | 2010. 01.01. - 2013.12. 31. |
Kivonat angolul:
This project aims to effect a change across Europe in the teaching and learning of mathematics and science by supporting teachers to develop inquiry-based learning (IBL) pedagogies so that, in turn, students gain first hand experience of scientific inquiry. Ultimately, our objective is that a greater number of students will have a more positive disposition towards the further study of these subjects and the desire to be employed in related fields.
The proposal brings together 14 teams of experts in IBL in mathematics and science education from 12 nations. It will be led and managed by a researcher who has recent successful experience of European work of this type. The working packages will be led by appropriate experts from the wider team, who will ensure the successful completion of each stage of the project.
The proposal has been designed to provide a multi-level dissemination plan addressed to teachers and important stakeholders to ensure maximum impact. The plan includes the provision of high quality support for, and training of, teachers and teacher trainers; selection of high quality materials and methods with which to work with teachers; supporting actions addressed to teachers to advertise IBL; methods of working with out-of-school parties such as local authorities and parents; and summaries of analyses that will inform a wide range of policy makers about how they can support the required changes.
Throughout the project’s timeline national consultancy panels and two international panels will provide on-going advice and orientation at key stages. To maximise the project’s ”reach” to teachers either established networks for the professional development of teachers will be used, or new networks will be built using models which have proven efficacy. Rigorous evaluation both by an internal team and an outside agency will provide formative and summative feedback about the validity of the project and its effectiveness.