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Katalin Fehér: Fidel Beély and Benedictine Teacher Training in Bakonybél The Benedictine order has been playing an important role in the development of Hungary's culture and education. The author surveys the history of teacher training in the Bakonybél Benedictine abbey from the middle 1750s to the revolution of 1848–49, paying special attention to the period between 1832 and 1849. In this period the abbey provided modern and high quality teacher training under the leadership of abbot Izidor Guzmics. The pedagogical subjects were taught by Fidel Beély, whose curriculum in Latin reveals what pedagogical subjects the students studied, what these subjects covered and what system was followed in their teaching. Besides being an excellent teacher, Fidel Beély made a significant contribution to education through his writings as well. In addition to the several articles he published in the journals of the period, his main work, Alapnézetek a nevelesrõl [Fundamental Views on Education] (1848) is a very valuable piece of Hungarian literature on education. The author introduces this work in detail, emphasizing that the first Hungarian bibliography of education was published as its appendix. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 97. Number 3-4. 235-245. (1997) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Fehér Katalin, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Tanárképző Főiskolai Kar Neveléstudományi Tanszék, H–1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 23–27. |