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Vilmos Vass: The Curriculum Development Projects of the National Council of Public Education in the 19th Century This article discusses the operation of the National Council of Public Education (NCPE), an indispensable institution of educational administration in 19th century Hungary. At the end of the 80’s, following the reorganization of the NCPE, curricular projects (developing national and reviewing local curricula) dominated in of the council. The author examines the process of curricular implementation as recorded in original sources, the results of the negotiations with the Ministry of Culture and the role of distinguished experts and teachers at the end of the 19th century. The finished documents and other continuous affairs would serve as a base for the regenerated educational system in the early 20th century, which promoted the authority of the NPCE. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 97. Number 3-4. 247-269. (1997) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Vass Vilmos, Centenáriumi Általános és Szakiskola, H–1165 Budapest, Sasvár u. 101. |