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Marianne Nikolov: Involving Primary School Children in the Development of a Negotiated Story-Based Syllabus for English as a Foreign Language This article reports on a study looking into how young learners between the ages of six and fourteen have been involved in the learning of English as a foreign language through negotiation in a Hungarian primary school. Three groups of children were involved with the same teacher for a period of eight years. A focus of the paper is the changes in negotiation due to age, while considering issues related to participation, choice of tasks and materials, and assessment. The role of the mother tongue is analysed in negotiation activities. Changes in the teacher’s role as a model are also pinpointed. Finally, both negative outcomes and results are summarised. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 98. Number 3. 239-251. (1998) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Nikolov Marianne, Janus Pannonius Tudományegyetem, Angol Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Tanszék, H–7624 Pécs, Ifjúság u. 6. |