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Monika Csibi : Psychosocial factors of learning motivation This paper analyses the relationship between the different structures of learning motivation (affective, cognitive and moral) and psychosocial determinants playing relevant roles in the learning processes. The research presented is informed by the social-cognitive approach of learning motivation, where the social factor is seen as reflecting an important element of the motivational process. The practical objective of this research was to examine the influence of the social status and the interpersonal relations of pupils on their learning motivation. Hypotheses were formulated regarding social-affective motives; cognitive and moral motives influencing learning; the influence of the social status on learning performances; the differences caused by affective familial relationships over performances; low and high level of social motives presenting differences in social problem solving tasks. The instruments included the Kozéki and Entwistle Motivational Style Questionnaire, a sociometric questionnaire, and social problem solving tasks for the subjects; in addition, data were collected from parents and teachers by questionnaires. The subjects were children from the 5th (N=89) and the 7th grade (N=80) of lower secondary, and from the 9th grade (N=88) of higher secondary education. Parents involved in the study (N=214) filled in their questionnaire at home. The findings of the present work contribute to a better understanding of children’s functioning and interpersonal dynamics in the school. From our point of view, the learning process became the mirror of the cognitive activation of social information, integrated in the complex processing of information in a school environment. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 106. Number 4. 313-327. (2006) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Csibi Monika, 1918. Dec.1 sugárút, 209/6 540530 Marosvásárhely, Románia |