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Kata Csizér and Judit Kormos: Language learning motivation among students in tertiary education in Budapest motivation of Hungarian university and college students. 230 students from various higher education institutions in Budapest responded to our questions concerning their motivated language learning behaviour, their self-perceptions as language learners, their goal in language learning as well as their attitudes to speakers of language and to learning English in general. Our results indicate that the participants are very highly motivated to become competent English language speakers: they invest a considerable amount of energy in language learning, and they attribute a highly important role to English as a world language. Students are intensively encouraged by their parents and supported by their environment. The participants studying economics and law displayed the most favourable motivational characteristics. The results of regression analyses revealed that the important factors determining the effort students put into the language learning process are attitudes to language learning and students’ perceptions of themselves as competent language users. Integrative orientation was found to play a significant role in predicting students’ attitudes to language learning. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 107. Number 1. 229-43. (2007) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Csizér Kata és Kormos Judit, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Angol-Amerikai Intézet, H–1088 Budapest, Rákóczi út 5. |