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Krisztián Józsa and János Steklács: Current trends in research on reading instruction This paper presents a review of Hungarian and international research on reading instruction, primarily from the perspective of educational sciences. The study concentrates on changes potentially affecting school practice. The review focuses on findings from the last decade, and seeks to demonstrate the diversity that characterizes current research on reading instruction. First different approaches to, and definitions of, reading are discussed, then an overview is provided of how the conceptualization of reading and reading instruction are informed by developments in ICT and brain research. The functions and the development of specific components of reading ability are discussed in detail. Factors such as metacognition and motivation are also considered. The paper highlights the importance of assessment standards in the process of teaching reading, and analyses current changes in the practice of reading instruction in Finland, Germany, Norway and the United States. Finally, a few evidence-based methods of reading instruction are also outlined. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 109. Number 4. 365-397. (2009) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Józsa Krisztián, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Neveléstudományi Intézet, H–6722 Szeged, Petőfi Sándor. sgt. 30–34.; Steklács János, Kecskeméti Főiskola Tanítóképző Főiskolai Kar Humán Tudományok Intézete, H–6000 Kecskemét, Kaszap u. 6–14. |