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Krisztina Bohács: Dynamic Assessment insight into the learning and thinking processes of the individual. DA is usually administered to children who demonstrate some learning disability or an emotional or personality disturbance, attain low scores on standardized tests, or come from a low socioeconomic or culturally different background. Dynamic assessment test batteries are also used to pinpoint the reasons behind certain light learning disturbances in the mainstream population as well. DA today is a rather heterogeneous approach. It is used in a content-free manner to shed light on the underlying functioning of the individual, but it is also used as a curriculum-based assessment. Our study is composed of three parts: (1) We cover the history and theoretical framework of DA; (2) We classify the various DA approaches; (3) Finally, we describe the oldest DA instrument, the Learning Propensity Assessment Device, developed by Feuerstein. DA offers many educational advantages; for instance, it provides educators with the data required to recommend effective instruction and intervention (therapy or L2 instruction, for example) and DA post-teaching scores have been shown to be better predictors of academic achievement than static scores (predictive validity). However, DA administration is more time-consuming than static testing and requires more skill, better training, more experience and greater effort than static tests. DA validation is more complex than validating static testing because it has a broader scope of goals. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 110. Number 4. 311-328. (2010) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Bohács Krisztina, Mediált Tanulásért Alapít¬vány, Kognitív Klinikai Centrum, H–1141 Budapest, Cserebogár u. 49 |