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Ibolya Markóczi Revák, János Máth, Anett Huszti and Kitti Pollner: Measure of Metacognition in Scientific Problem-solving at the Tertiary Level The importance of metacognition in learning and problem-solving in a large variety of fields has been addressed by a number of authors (see Cooper and Urena, 2009). Metacognitive competence has been found to be a useful predictor of effective problem-solving (Veenman, 2005). However, metacognitive inventories still display some wobbliness. One of the major problems is the validity and reliability of the questionnaire regarding the measure of metacognitive activities. The aim of the present study is to investigate the reliability and interval structure of the MCAI (Metacognitive Activities Inventory), which was designed by Cooper and Urena (2009) to specifically assess students’ metacognitive competencein problem-solving. Data was collected in autumn 2012 from 139 biology BSc students in their first yearas part of a study of scientific problem-solving skills within the framework of a three-year research programme at the University of Debrecen. The correlation between means of MCAI items and total pointsfor problem-solving achievement was investigated. Each student completed a worksheet with five scientific and everyday problems as well. Due to low correlation (r=0.227; p<0.05), a cluster analysis was carried out. The students can be grouped into four clusters. On the other hand, students’exaggerated self-assessment was detected by cluster and regression analysis, which alters the real judgements of the MCAI statements. The MCAI items must be corrected in order to increase the prediction for problem-solving. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 113. Number 4. 221-241. (2013) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Revákné Markóczi Ibolya és Máth János, Debreceni Egyetem Ökológia Tanszék, Biológia Szakmódszertani Csoport, H–4010 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1. Huszti Anett és Pollner Kitti, Debreceni Egyetem Pszichológia Intézet, H–4010 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1. |