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Ildikó Biró: Knowledge Elements of Visual Communication, Development and Evaluation of Their Creative Subskills As a result of increasing media consumption and digitization, visual language is playing an increasingly important role alongside verbality. Since knowledge and use of effective communication have become essential, the development of visual competencies must be placed on a new foundation, which is the task of visual education and visual ability development. The study provides a comprehensive picture of the change of attitude that has taken place with the new age of images, which has changed the discourse of visual communication through the explosive growth of infocommunication technology and the widespread use of its tools. It defines visual creative activity, presents its classical developmental models from the earliest, linear to contemporary theories, as well as examines the significance and applications of these models in education. The paper presents the development of a competency-based ability description for visual education, a description of the main nodes of the visual ability system, which serves as a basis for the diagnostic measurement of visual abilities. A suitable task bank for the examination of visual communication subskills is being developed, the next step of which will be the elaboration of tasks suitable for the measurement of creative subskills. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 119. Number 4. 329-355. (2019) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Biró Ildikó, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Juhász Gyula Pedagógusképző Kar, Művészeti Intézet, Rajz-művészettörténet Tanszék. H–6723 Szeged, Brüsszeli krt. 37. |