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Viola Takács: The structure of pupil's attitudes towards school subjects In the framework of a larger project, a questionnaire on students' attitude towards school subjects was administered to 1351 pupils in the 7th and 11th grade. The children responded on a 5-point scale, and evaluated 15 subjects (Literature, Grammar, History, German, English, Mathematics, Phisics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Music, Visual arts, PE, Technology and Computer science) by 8 attributes. The paper introduces a new way of representing the results in a Galois graph. In this way, the relationships of both the subjects and the attributes can be represented. The graph shows a number of different aspects of the structure of students' attitudes, i.e. rank orders and hierarchical relationships. The graphs can easily be comprehended and interpreted and therefore they offer a useful alternative to presenting data in tables. The results show that the main structure of the attitudes are similar in the two age groups, but the popularity of the subjects in general decreases with age. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 101. Number 3. 301-318. (2001) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Tanárképző Intézet, H-7624 Pécs Ifjúság út. 6. |